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What does the licensing model look like?

The VMShutdownManager licensing is based on two metrics: Hosts and VMs.

  • Host: All configured hosts that are not VMs are counted as hosts (e.g., ESXi hosts, physical SAN systems).
  • VMs: All VMs are counted (this includes virtual Datacore nodes as well as a virtualized vCenter Server). A VM always references a virtualization host.

The count includes all configured hosts and all VMs running on these hosts (not just the configured VMs, but all VMs).

Templates and VMs with identical UUIDs (such as replicas) are not counted.


System Description License
ESX01 Physical virtualization host Host


Physical virtualization host Host


Virtually operated vCenter Server VM


Backup NAS Host
DSS01 Datacore Hyperconverged Node VM


Datacore Hyperconverged Node VM




6 additionalVMs (FILE01, MGMT01, RDS01, PICMGMT01, APP01, VB01)


required licenses

3x Host
10x VM



Note: If the configuration includes more hosts or the VMware environment contains more VMs than licensed, the VMShutdownManager will regularly send license warnings via email. Additionally, a license warning message will be displayed in the interface, and no new hosts can be added.

Configured tasks will still be executed.